Our Dream & Vision - by Gabriella

"We dreamed a dream, a pretty large one, which began as a small seed and actively grew and developed over the last decade: To live on a farm, in our homeland South Africa!

We both grew up in rural settings and were longing to be able to live in a place of natural beauty, away from the city, in a pure and pristine environment. As avid environmentalists, conservationists, mountain and nature lovers in general, we were keen to root ourselves on a special piece of land, that we could put our hearts and souls into and be true custodians of.

Moving away from the city and all its conveniences, into such natural splendor, was a conscious choice that arose from a deep longing within us, over a decade…that we were fortunate enough to be able to fulfill in February 2019. Being able to live that dream, we feel, even with its own set of challenges, is a monumental privilege.

It is our greatest wish to continue sharing the abundance of Frog Mountain Farm as a truly unique family Getaway venue and much more. Indeed, it was part of our vision, to live on a magnificent farm where people could come to be free, re-charge, relax and feed their souls in the splendor and majesty of nature. Frog Mountain is that perfect place!

We may have big plans for Frog Mountain Farm...but, most of all, the idea is to preserve, protect and regenerate the pristine nature, and the quiet, secluded ambiance of the magic valley tucked away between the majestic mountains at the end of that country road that we all love so much: A place where adults, children, families and friends can recharge, relax, play and connect in a farm setting of such magnificent green, abundant life, tranquility and peace. We look forward to seeing you here!".

Self- Sustainability

The vision is to be able to be as self-sustainable and "off grid" as possible. Go solar, grow our own vegetables and fruit, be near fresh, alive mountain water and rock pools, and just live in the green. Making this choice, we also hoped would be a source of inspiration to others, grow community, inspire, perhaps develop a small organic/biodynamic farm enterprise for the local community and perhaps create a center for healing workshops and retreats and so much more....


Much of this dream and vision developed due to severe health challenges (an ongoing story), and those many desperate years of ill health I believe were a catalyst for a big life shift that no lifestyle change in the city was going to address. Illness, and possibility ironically, or magically, happened at the same time. So the vision of this farm was and is tied into healing, and well being, for us but also for the greater community.

It is all too apparent the massive disconnect to nature that has happened in our society and culture. The chemical mono-culture farming model and refined/processed food industry is truly harming our Earth and our bodies simultaneously. The rise in chronic illness in the last few decades is truly staggering. We want to be able to in a small way, offer people the chance to re-connect, with pristine nature and themselves and to protect this small unique farm, as a haven for indigenous flora and fauna. Getting away from technology and actually connecting with children, family and friends is so very needed. Immersing in quiet nature so that one can hear one's own voice, is the first step in healing.

It took a huge amount of courage, determination and of course blessings to be able to follow this dream. We hope to inspire each and every person that comes here that dreams are real and the voice and knowing in your core can and must be followed!

Frog Medicine - Healing Centre

Nature heals, calms, de-stresses, rejuvenates, centers and focuses us and science backs this all up. Here there is possibility to address that! The Frog is an ancient symbol for healing and purification, so to us, that was a true sign from the universe for Frog Mountain Farm being aligned with our own journey and Vision.

Environmentally friendly, regenerative farming, eco-friendly farm...

We have big plans to turn all aspects of the farm as green and Earth friendly as possible. From waste management (recycling) to composting, to regenerative soil building with our amazing Nguni cattle, to organic farming, to caring for and rehabilitating the indigenous land and more.

  • Recycling and composting project is up and running. We ask all our guests to collect all organic waste in containers. We then ferment all the waste in large bins for 2 weeks using Bokashi enzyme and after that it all goes into the compost heap where it breaks down extremely quickly due to the Bokashi process. The compost is then used on flower beds, lawns & our veggie garden.
  • We ask guests to wash out all metal, glass plastic and have rubbish bins outside to collect all recyclables including cardboard.
  • We take recyclables to Swellendam where it is sorted and used by a private recycling entity. In this way we are also supporting local business

Eco Friendly soaps and detergents

  • We are proud to now use 100% bio-degradable and Earth friendly products in all our guest houses and on the whole farm.
  • Go Green Naturally Products.
  • These include: Amazing luxurious & delicious body & hand wash. Washing powder/dishwashing powder & dishwashing liquid.

Indigenous bio-diversity conservation & rehabilitation

Environmental work and biodiversity conservation is our passion and one of our top priorities. Since 2019 we completed a massive invasive alien clearing programme. The big plan is to rehabilitate and re-tree the indigenous riverine corridor. In 2019/2020 we initially worked in conjunction with The Grootvadersbosch Conservancy NGO and have been blessed with an array of amazing consultants. Grootvadersbosch conservancy does incredible work and we have been so grateful to partner with them for this important project. Link: gvbconservancy.co.za

  • 2019 - 2021: Completed 99% phase 1 - Remove of large wattle forest from the other side of the river. (With Grootvadersbosch Conservancy). First of the Follow-ups there begin and still have to complete the last remaining felling of trees overhanging the river (the trickiest to remove). (Lockdown hindered operations).
    We initially tried (on advice from various specialists) a staggered approach, ie to leave some tall wattle for shade for the indigenous trees to come back. This failed, as in the first major storm, due to the thinning out of trees, those remaining were left more unprotected, and fell down, leaving a lot of damage. The consensus was then reached to rather clear cut them all. In hindsight this was the best method in our particular area with steep bank.
  • We completed our first back hill (Renosterveld area) total wattle removal (Thanks again to Grootvadersbosch conservancy).
  • 2022 -2023 - Follow ups continue in all cleared areas. All wattle, bugweed and other invasives on other side of river are now gone. Tree regeneration is astounding. Experiment with planting keurboom, cape yellow-wood, white stinkwood and some others in some areas (very successful). However, we see that allowing what comes up naturally to flourish may be the best long term method.
  • 2024 - Follow up's continue and regeneration of indigenous species flourishes. Proof that removal of wattle (invasives) and meticulous regular follow-up's is critical in fast indigenous regeneration.
  • 2024: Finally, 5 years down the line. Blackberry addressed. We used a targeted herbacide. Huge success.

The indigenous Tree Species: See List

We are lucky enough to have a few indigenous biomes on our farm. Fynbos, Renosterveld, Riverine afro-temperate indigenous forest, (moist, dry and riparian).

Note: We host an almost 20h area of critically endangered Renosterveld on the farm and are proud to have a small area that boasts the critically endangered Gladiolus Emiliae on our farm.

Some of the invasive species that plague our farm:

Black Wattle (Acacia Mearnsii), Bugweed (Solanum mauritianum), Lantana, Blackberry, Spanish reed, Beefwood, Sesbania, Makhakea (Hakea Salicifolia), Hakea, Morning Glory, Poplar among others.

There is so much abundant bird and animal life here whose future currently hangs by a fragile thread. As invasives take over, the environment become a sterile desert and both flora and fauna die. Our long term vision is to help clear the entire valley all the way to the Buffeljags dam of invasives and to turn the entire valley into a protected area....this will be a combined effort for sure, with many stakeholders involved! Work in progress, watch this space!